вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.
carrying bag
And yea, after the Captainapos;s Ball game, i woke up in the morning�with my whole body aching from top to toe ): itapos;s damn suckish alright cause i got to attend school with my whole body aching and moving around like tortise. And ive so much difficulty sitting down. Ah, muscle cramps. But no matter what, i still have to turn up for school today. Yea, competition. But thanks to the competition, we donapos;t have to attend the�8AM to 1PM lecture talks. I bet itapos;s super duper ultra boring. So gladly we are involve in this art-cum-dt-cum-homec competition.� and yea, the whole thing was held in the newly built "aquarium" (thatapos;s what Mr Rudy named it, haha). It was damn hot inside cause the aircon was spoilt. So yanling and i was in charge�of decorating the table settings. And yea, my table mat and menu holder which i spent my yesterday to do it even though i was superb tired was being criticised by Jovan. ah is it that bad? oh wells. So Kelly was the cook and our dish was tofu. While Chengbo decorated the menu.�we were given about an hour odd to accomplish this whole thing. When the time was almost up, the food was brought down and it was judging time. When the judges arrived, the aircon people came. What a wrong timing. But the aircon was fixed. So Kelly was our representative. After judging time was over, we waited for the Principal to arrive. Yea, super long alright. He when around and look at the food. We had photo-taking and it was food time haha. We went around to try otherapos;s food, some tasted really nice. (: once the food was finished, we packed the stuff and had our debrief. Then, school ended. We waited for the rest to come down. And yea, Kaiwei and some of boys had detention (2hrs), so we left first. We were beaten which the plastic roll by Imran and Cheechin. Asses haha.
boyfee didnapos;t came school today. ):
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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.
endokrin.com meme
Hmmm, so I have noticed that when I dry my clothes on my nice metallic drying rack-- where the shirts drape over the bottom two rails so that the thing looks all concealing-- Ultimate Boo Boo Kitty has made it her private fort. Yep, the super hero runs over and hides in the drying rack and then proceeds to attack everything that passes by.... Even my un-protected feet-tees. Oh that hurt. Not to mention, I now know why some of my shirts have holes or thread tears all over. MAN. Alas, whatever shall I do to entertain the super hero away from my drying clothes? Oh and on a side note, I have noticed more toys wind up under the laundry fort. Itapos;s like the under the stove hiding spot...
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.
dining room set small
Hi, my nameapos;s Aaron, Iapos;m in my early twenties, and I live in California.
I suppose I canapos;t really call myself a practicing Buddhist, although I have had a intrest in the Zen/Chan school since I was a young boy. I do utilize some meditation techniques to focus myself when I feel the need, and I have spent some time perusing various sutras.
: ) Perhaps when Iapos;ve grown a little older and calmed down a bit more Iapos;ll take up active practice. The way societyapos;s looking these days, monastic life sometimes seems a whole lot saner.
Itapos;s a pleasure to have found your community, and I certainly hope that I will come to meet and exchange insight with other persons that share similar interests.
And yes I like cheese. Preferably a very sharp cheddar, or some variety of Stilton or Brie.
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alcohol camping stove
I think I need a girlfriend.
a cute little lesbian who looks like a cute boy,
with a rivers cuomo haircut.
I want to go to a party.
shouldapos;ve gone to austin this weekend.
san marcos is so alienating sometimes,
I never get to see anyone or do anything unless itapos;s the weekend.
whereapos;s all the spontaneity at?
gotta start something.
if it were the 90s again then maybe Iapos;d have time.
i wish we didnt all have to die in 2012.
halloween should be fun.
ryan ramos.
Iapos;m eating chocolate.
Iapos;m lookin for a house party and sum dtfqtapos;s.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.
austin elizabeth hurley power
I come from alcohol.
I was set down in it like a spark in gas.
I lay down dumb with it, I let it erase what it liked.
I played house with it, let it dress me, undress me.
I exulted, I excused.
I married it. And where it went, I went.
I gave birth to it.
I nursed, I plotted murder with it.
I laid its table, paid its promises.
I lived with it wherever it liked to live:
in the kitchen, under the bed, at the coin laundry,
out by the swings, in the back seat of the car,
at the trashed Thanksgiving table.
I sat with it in the blear of TV.
I sat where it glittered, carmine,
where it burned in a blunt glass,
where it stood in a glittering lineup on the bar.
I saw it in the dull mirror, making up my face,
in the weekend silence,
in the smashed dish, in the slammed car door,
in the dead husband, the love.
Alcohol in the torn journal.
Alcohol in the void mirror.
My generations are of alcohol
and all that I could ever hope to bear.
austin elizabeth hurley power, austin ellipticals octane.
colorado farm organic
Yep,�I was at Bring Back�Glam once again.
I really should stop going there.�Allyson is picking on the Crue yet again. Sigh.�Donapos;t we all get tired of her over there?�Ria, have you been there lately?�Hah, I left a big ass response to her about the Crue. I�think she picks on them just to get a stir out of everyone.
I�remembered why I should listen to Motley�Crue every day.�They make me smile, those four hotties.
And proof:�
Saints of Los�Angeles still fucking rules. Other metal news?�Chinese Democracy is making itapos;s way out.�Itapos;s on pre-sale order but...*snort*�Iapos;ll believe it when I see it.�Iapos;m not paying for something then having Douche Bag Rose take it away because of a hissy fit. Yeah, right.
Really,�Axl.�Whatapos;s your trauma?
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Past few weeks with the turmoil in the market has set me thinking, am i really cut out to do what i am currently doing. I thought to myself, and was very thankful that i am still very happy to be doing what i am doing, and am glad that there was never one incident that made me regret my decision in recommending. As such, im quite blessed that i dont have much of a problem handling *touch wood that i dont curse myself or be overly glad*. It was really more of handholding my clients and standing there in front for them to reach out for me, except for the past 1.5 weeks i was lying in bed, suffering from labyrinthitis.
"Labyrinthitis is a balance disorder. It is an inflammatory process affecting the labyrinths that house the vestibular system (which sense changes in head position) of the inner ear. In addition to balance control problems, a labyrinthitis patient may encounter hearing loss and tinnitus. Labyrinthitis is caused by a virus, but it can also arise from bacterial infection, head injury, an allergy or as a reaction to a particular medicine. Both bacterial and viral labyrinthitis can cause permanent hearing loss, although this is rare.
Labyrinthitis often follows an upper respiratory tract infection (URI)." - wikipedia
so i was in bed, feeling giddy and nauseous. But i am fine and ok now, which i am extremely happy about. It sucks to feel sick.
i also have a self-reflection session over the past few days, alot about inner reflection, and rethink about alot of my actions and attitude. Yeah, i think many times, i am pretty defensive about self, but i am ready to explore and get things more right than before. Step back and listen, that is what i keep telling myself. Stop, listen and react later, is also what i kept reminding myself about. Keep cool, is another. Many of such thoughts went through my mind.
in the midst of all these reflection, im also trying to set some goals and want to be hopeful about it. Im crossing my fingers for those big deals to come through as well... Anyway, i want to hopeful, that can keep me more sane. *god bless*
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.
batesville news
Ok, am beating my head in trying to translate Japanese news articles right? I was trying to figure out a foreign name written in Japanese characters. I kept sounding it out. Fu ...Fon Worufuran ... Von ... Worufu..... Wolfram Itapos;s Von Wolfram *glances at icon* Dude, that took me waaaaay to long. I only have about 5 things with Wolfram on it looking at me as I am doing this.
And yeah, I have about ten more minutes before I say whatapos;s written in my current icon.
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animated cell graphic phone
In a small town in the black mountain hills of Dakota lived a young upstart cowboy by the name of Rocky Raccoon. He was well known for his rash actions, violent nature and fantastic aim. One foggy day Rocky and his woman, Magil (commonly known to the folk around the town as Nancy, no on knows why) were resting peacefully outside of town when another man approached the pair. His eyes sparkled and locked on nancy. ldquo;Well lsquo;ello there marsquo;am. Its surprising to see such a B-E-A-Utiful gal like yourself in this cowboy townrdquo; The man began.
Nancyrsquo;s eyes seemed to widen and her heartbeat raced as her eyes bet this new cowboyrsquo;s eyes. ldquo;Well my my my. Are you new in these parts sir?rdquo; She asked in a soft delicate voice.
ldquo;Well marsquo;am I just rode in from the next town, and was looking for a gal like you to show me aroundrdquo;
Rocky sat with his head moving back and forth between the exchange of his woman and this new cowboy. ldquo;Now wait just a god damned minuterdquo; Rocky exclaimed as he rose to his feet, his fist clenched. ldquo;This here is my woman and I am not going to have some crooked cowboy like yaself waltz over and take her from merdquo; Before waiting for a response Rocky threw a right hook at the cowboy. The cowboy easily dodged the punch and returned his own to Rockyrsquo;s face sending Rocky on his ass with a bloodied nose.
ldquo;Shall we?rdquo; The cowboy said as he offered his hand to Nancy.
Nancy wasnrsquo;t sure what to do. She was stunned by this man. She gave a soft smile as she looked over to rocky who was laid flat. Nancy took the cowboys hand and the two quickly disappeared in the fog.
ldquo;That dirty sun of a bitch. Imma get that boyrdquo; Rocky said to himself as he lay in the dirt, his nose bleeding.facial solarium uk, animated cell graphic phone, animated cell free phone wallpaper, animated cell free phone screensaver, animated cell find phone saver screen, animated cell character phone.