среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

animated cell graphic phone

In a small town in the black mountain hills of Dakota lived a young upstart cowboy by the name of Rocky Raccoon. He was well known for his rash actions, violent nature and fantastic aim. One foggy day Rocky and his woman, Magil (commonly known to the folk around the town as Nancy, no on knows why) were resting peacefully outside of town when another man approached the pair. His eyes sparkled and locked on nancy. ldquo;Well lsquo;ello there marsquo;am. Its surprising to see such a B-E-A-Utiful gal like yourself in this cowboy townrdquo; The man began.

Nancyrsquo;s eyes seemed to widen and her heartbeat raced as her eyes bet this new cowboyrsquo;s eyes. ldquo;Well my my my. Are you new in these parts sir?rdquo; She asked in a soft delicate voice.

ldquo;Well marsquo;am I just rode in from the next town, and was looking for a gal like you to show me aroundrdquo;

Rocky sat with his head moving back and forth between the exchange of his woman and this new cowboy. ldquo;Now wait just a god damned minuterdquo; Rocky exclaimed as he rose to his feet, his fist clenched. ldquo;This here is my woman and I am not going to have some crooked cowboy like yaself waltz over and take her from merdquo; Before waiting for a response Rocky threw a right hook at the cowboy. The cowboy easily dodged the punch and returned his own to Rockyrsquo;s face sending Rocky on his ass with a bloodied nose.

ldquo;Shall we?rdquo; The cowboy said as he offered his hand to Nancy.

Nancy wasnrsquo;t sure what to do. She was stunned by this man. She gave a soft smile as she looked over to rocky who was laid flat. Nancy took the cowboys hand and the two quickly disappeared in the fog.

ldquo;That dirty sun of a bitch. Imma get that boyrdquo; Rocky said to himself as he lay in the dirt, his nose bleeding.

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