пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Past few weeks with the turmoil in the market has set me thinking, am i really cut out to do what i am currently doing. I thought to myself, and was very thankful that i am still very happy to be doing what i am doing, and am glad that there was never one incident that made me regret my decision in recommending. As such, im quite blessed that i dont have much of a problem handling *touch wood that i dont curse myself or be overly glad*. It was really more of handholding my clients and standing there in front for them to reach out for me, except for the past 1.5 weeks i was lying in bed, suffering from labyrinthitis.

"Labyrinthitis is a balance disorder. It is an inflammatory process affecting the labyrinths that house the vestibular system (which sense changes in head position) of the inner ear. In addition to balance control problems, a labyrinthitis patient may encounter hearing loss and tinnitus. Labyrinthitis is caused by a virus, but it can also arise from bacterial infection, head injury, an allergy or as a reaction to a particular medicine. Both bacterial and viral labyrinthitis can cause permanent hearing loss, although this is rare.
Labyrinthitis often follows an upper respiratory tract infection (URI)." - wikipedia

so i was in bed, feeling giddy and nauseous. But i am fine and ok now, which i am extremely happy about. It sucks to feel sick.

i also have a self-reflection session over the past few days, alot about inner reflection, and rethink about alot of my actions and attitude. Yeah, i think many times, i am pretty defensive about self, but i am ready to explore and get things more right than before. Step back and listen, that is what i keep telling myself. Stop, listen and react later, is also what i kept reminding myself about. Keep cool, is another. Many of such thoughts went through my mind.

in the midst of all these reflection, im also trying to set some goals and want to be hopeful about it. Im crossing my fingers for those big deals to come through as well... Anyway, i want to hopeful, that can keep me more sane. *god bless*

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