воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

alcohol camping stove

I think I need a girlfriend.

a cute little lesbian who looks like a cute boy,
with a rivers cuomo haircut.

I want to go to a party.
shouldapos;ve gone to austin this weekend.
san marcos is so alienating sometimes,
I never get to see anyone or do anything unless itapos;s the weekend.

whereapos;s all the spontaneity at?
gotta start something.

if it were the 90s again then maybe Iapos;d have time.
i wish we didnt all have to die in 2012.

halloween should be fun.
ryan ramos.
Iapos;m eating chocolate.
Iapos;m lookin for a house party and sum dtfqtapos;s.

apachie tomcat, alcohol camping stove, alcohol campbell drug rehab, alcohol campbell center drug rehab, alcohol campaigns, alcohol campaign fetal preventing syndrome.

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